Recent experience

You will find below a selective list of recent representative projects. Please be aware that following the revision of the Statutes of Lawyers’ Profession, clients’ names cannot be publicly disclosed.

Corporate and real estate

  • assisted a real estate investment fund with day-to-day corporate activities (changes in corporate structure, advice related to management activity off office buildings, sale of real estates, negotiation of lease agreements, advice and assistance before competent authorities for obtaining required permits and authorizations, restructuring of the EUR 35 mil. bank credit the fund contracted);
  • assisted a local real estate developer in the acquisition process (title due-diligence, negotiation, execution) of several plots of land valued at EUR 15. mil from a company that was liquidated following bankruptcy;
  • conducted corporate due diligence and drafted related report preliminary to a M&A share deal in the automotive industry with a global value of EUR 48 mil.;
  • legal assistance to a majority state-owned company listed on BVB with day to day corporate and real estate matters (advice on the corporate structure and management powers, assistance following different inspections of national authorities;
  • assisted a Greek company active in the field of production and distribution of aluminum components following the foreclosure proceedings initiated by the mortgagee for a EUR 12 mil. loan;


  • our assistance determined the initiation of a Competition Council investigation against the authority operating the second largest airport in Romania for refusal to supply access to essential facilities in the ground-handling industry under art. 6 of the Competition Law;
  • assisted a global player in the production and distribution of tile floors for obtaining the merger clearance from the Competition Council in respect of the concentration resulted following the acquisition of an undertaking from the ceramic tiles industry;


  • obtained the rejection of a creditor’s request for opening the insolvency proceedings for an alleged claim amounting to over EUR 11 mil.;
  • successfully assisted a public entity with the challenge against the voteless registration in the preliminary list of creditors for a claim amounting to EUR 8 mil.;
  • successfully assisted a debtor from the textile industry against the official receiver’s request for annulment of an alleged tripartite netting agreement amounting to EUR 2,2 mil.;
  • assisted a Romanian energy supplier and trader in relation to the request for opening of its own insolvency proceedings for a total of claims amounting to approx. EUR 30 mil.;

Administrative and fiscal litigation

  • assisted an economic operator in a suite of contentious administrative court files in conflict with the local authority regarding the operation of a nautical leisure center;
  • assisted an Italian highway builder operating in the local market with the annulment of a tax decision and tax audit report in relation to the deductible character of EUR 1,5 mil. acquisitions;
  • assisted a real estate investments fund with the annulment of anti-fraud’s decision whereby the client’s office building was seized for a prejudice estimated to EUR 1,2 mil;
  • assisted a public authority in a series of 32 court files where taxi operator requested the judicial issuance of taxi permits and authorizations.

Choose the Brisc Legal team of lawyers from Cluj-Napoca for solving your legal problem.

14-16, Dorobantilor street
Cluj City Center
2nd floor, room 210
400121, Cluj-Napoca