Cluj Lawyer – Contravention Complaint – Demolition of Construction – Annulment of the Contravention Report – Removal of the Demolition Measure – Prescription – Lack of Offender Status

Case Relevance In practice, situations arise where, for various reasons, a person other than the actual offender is sanctioned. In such cases, it is crucial for the unjustly sanctioned person to file a contravention complaint requesting the annulment of the contravention report, the removal of the main sanction, and, where applicable, the complementary sanction. Otherwise, …

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Foreclosure lawyer in Cluj – bank loan statute of limitations – challenge against enforcement admitted – statute of limitations on the right to obtain enforcement under the credit agreement – ​​definitive cancellation of the bank loan debt

Case relevance Banks or debt collection agencies initiate legal actions even when their claims are time-barred, and debtors may end up paying or acknowledging the debt without knowing that the statute of limitation has expired. Partial payment or acknowledgment of the debt by signing a payment rescheduling agreement interrupts the statute of limitations, starting a …

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Avocat Cluj litigii Curtea de conturi și Legea nr. 98/2016 – pretinse daune derivate din contracte de achiziții publice – admiterea excepției prescripției dreptului material la acțiune al Municipiului Cluj-NapocaRelevanța cazului

Relevanța cazului În vederea satisfacerii nevoilor de interes general, autoritățile și instituțiile publice precum și organismele de drept public încheie cu operatorii economici contracte de achiziții de lucrări, de produse sau de servicii. Aceste raporturi juridice între autoritate și operatorul economic prezintă anumite particularități față de contractele de drept civil încheiate de particulari și generează …

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Real estate lawyer. The refusal to sign before the public notary. The pronouncement of a court decision replacing the notarial deed and the refusal to sign. The interruption of the limitation by rendering the possession of the property.

THE RELEVANCE OF THE CASE Regarding the remedies of the parties in case of culpable non-execution of sale and purchase promises, the law establish that, when the promisor refuse to conclude the promised contract at the request of the party that fulfilled its own obligations, the court has the possibility to substitute the consent of …

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